Friday, May 21, 2010

Journey through the Lens

Admittedly, at first I was so preoccupied with tremendous amount of pressure that I had to take good photos. However, greatest photographers like Henri Cartier-Bresson and Steve McCurry motivated me to learn and improve my photographic skills further. My camera has given me an opportunity to create an even more intimate connection with the people in various places. In fact, visiting the cities and towns of Rizal province has also brought me greater photo opportunities. And, after revisiting the same places over and over again all my fears have gone away. In fact, I often looked like a cat scampering after a mouse when I was photographing people on the streets. Unfortunately, the biggest problem that I have often come across is when the people were generally too eager to pose and smile at the camera. This basically makes shooting extremely difficult as it ruins the perfect candid moment. Nevertheless, this made me seek for better opportunities to get good shots. Through constant practice, I also recognized my limitations better and have also become more watchful of my own errors. In fact, without even realizing, I was actually exhausting all my energy on street photography. :) Photography not only causes frustrations in life but it also brings happiness. And more importantly, it also gives me very rich learning experiences that I will never forget.

Here are some of the photos that I've taken

I'm usually really bad with timing, but this tells us the otherwise :) It was such a luck...

I had to get off my car right on the middle of the street in order to take this shot. However, it's so unfortunate that the dog was so hyperactive at that time!

One of the shots that I've taken during my first street photo journey.

I liked the color of their clothes quite contrasting to the background :)

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