Monday, June 21, 2010

MMS 112: Pioneers and In Depth

Tim Berners-Lee’s idea of creating a user-friendly interface has fueled the potential of computer communication to go beyond its expectations. And this gave us a whole new web experience. Just like what Tim Berners-Lee hoped for, media together with web encourages the people to share and at the same time use their creative ideas in hand. Therefore, this once a monotonous web environment has now changed into a more creative and interactive social space.

Web seems to have gone as far as it can go. However, these are just the beginning, since web still has rooms for improvements and further developments. Today, web introduces a whole new social system. In fact, due to the birth of World Wide Web, a powerful global communication link has been created. And since building links and relationships with the people is a gateway to better interaction and collaboration, collaborative social media have been created. Therefore, people from different parts around the world are now closely linked and connected to each other. Hence, web’s popularity has now become immeasurable.

Here are the audio or visual images which illustrates Tim Berners-Lee’s work:

The Invention of the World Wide Web

Jukes, L. & Hollywood, B. (Producer). (2005) The Invention of the World Wide Web [Television Broadcast]. Retrieved June 18, 2010 from

A short explanation of what makes the World Wide Web work

LeFever, L. (Producer). (2009, October 28) World Wide Web in Plain English [Video File]. Retrieved June 18, 2010 from

Distance communication has been enormously difficult during the earlier days. However, due to the birth of World Wide Web, a powerful global communication link has been created. This powerful global communication network made the social media popularity quickly proliferate worldwide. In fact, there are lots of social network sites that allow individuals around the world regardless of age, sex, religion, and culture to build interactive and collaborative relationships with one another. Therefore, there are more interesting cultural and social things happening on the net nowadays.

Web allows individuals around the world to build amazingly interactive and stronger collaborative culture among the people. Therefore, greater collaboration and participation of people among and across the geographical borders creates various productions of open-source media products that benefit not only people in specific geographical locations but the global audiences as well.

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